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Friday, June 25, 2010

Dear God, its me, WD

Yeah, I know I'm slightly irreverent, but I'm also slightly dyslexic. In fact I had to Google the word to get it right...the point here is if (you) God made me--you made me dyslexic--I can own having spelling issues, myself. At least you also gave me the ability to recognize some of my failings. And the desire to keep at it until I've corrected most of my obvious errors in written activities. Yeah, thanks, God, for Google.

But I digress from the subject which was my inspiration for my first attempt to set up a blog...and that lofty subject is the inappropriate number of "true believers" who seem to want to invoke your name in the process of so confusingly directing inhumane treatment toward their fellow man. And of course a disproportionate segment of that is mistreatment of their fellow woman. But I'm getting ahead of myself, here.

Perhaps I should have addressed my complaint to Jesus. After all, he actually came down from Heaven and became man. And I'm told this was not a demotion, but a special project. One to save man from his "original sin". How original is "sin" anyway? Does it make a difference whether my transgressions are the first or second or nth? If my sin is un-original am I just a copy cat and not a mortal sinner? What's up with that? (Yeah, God, thanks for Seinfeld, too.)

If these sin things are unpleasing in your sight, then, shit, I'm just in hot water. At least I'd consider that a step up from the fiery furnace place to which I was introduced as a wee lad in Sunday school--through reading from your first and second novel (ala Bible and New Testament). Jeez (no mortal sin to riff a little...I hope, Jesus) those nuns could be so...well, dark.

So, God, Jesus, all you Guys: the three of you, are being somewhat misrepresented down here. And by down here I don't mean "down there", You know, "Hell".

I have somewhat strayed from the "path" I guess you might say. I suddenly came to the realization that I was somehow supporting a rather nasty bunch of hypocrites by making what I felt was an obligation to put a large enough contribution into the church plate to cover my bases. I learned to expect to do something good without expecting to have good done unto me in return. Until the "New Age" rolled around, at least, until I'd learned "The Secret". Which is, as You know, all about giving in order to be getting--its a law, You know, a "Universe" working thingy. I don't do that any more. I give because its good to do for somebody who needs it.

I don't mean I don't donate to worth-while charities, some of which even are "church" related, I just don't contribute to any organization, directly, that abuses some of those "God's Laws" things. "Suffer the little children to come unto me..." was not supposed to involve naughty parts. And just so You (Guys) know I can't imaging Jesus in any way, shape, or form getting involved in any of that stuff. WWJD? He really went to his dark side when he found the money lenders in his temple--whip it good. Just whip it. And He did. And if any of this "inspired by God" stuff has any validity, those priests with pedophilia in their DNA are in for some smartin' on the other side...and those who were enablers, too. Its so, so good that the cycle is going to come to an end.

No, I was never molested, I actually don't know anybody (who would share) that was molested by a priest, and in over 50 years I never personally knew any reverends who liked to "fiddle about" with Tommy, or any other deaf, dumb, blind boys--nor girls. I'm sure as shootin' that it happened, though...some stuff just can't be made up. And it surely is not restricted to the clergy in the RC organization.

I'm tired of this subject...it kinda came up because of my perception of the disconnect between what passes for a defined way of living and worshiping and the blind belief that there is a "Way" that is superior to anyone else's sacred profile. Coupled with the blind pronouncement that only by adhering to the "Way" of their description, does one avoid pain and punishment and instead rise above everyone else in eternal praise and reward. Christ! I mean You, of course, can't you enlighten these bigots--just a little? Please? OK, just a lot. A whole lot. And before they go over to your side to be judged and all. After all, it would be something that they'd benefit from. Right?

Enough for now, don't want to be tiresome. I admit not all "People of Faith" are bigoted or blind in their faith and I'd certainly not want religion to be outlawed--I easily admit that some real good is done in the name of religion-or by people who subscribe to every manner of religious belief. I'm just tired and saddened by the way the "gospel" has been so subverted by every religion no matter what they call their "code" of "inspired" verbiage. Shakespeare had some real quotable lines but I don't see his plays being made into sacramental testament. Do you have any particular religious experience or special written word instructions you find essential in your life? If so, shoot them all down my way. No rewards will be handed out...your good works will be your only reward.